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Pet Spider Supplies

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The Brown Recluse Spider Brown recluse spiders, also known as the fiddle-back spiders or the violin spiders are America's most widely-spread and harmless arachnid species. They are found almost everywhere on the North American continent except the area at the west of the Rocky Mountains; what seems even more interesting is the fact that a variety of brown recluse spiders is also found in Hawaii. The hobo spider is often found in homes or in their vicinity and though the general reputation of the species is that of high aggressiveness, these creatures are very unlikely to attack a human being. You can only be exposed to a hobo spider bite in case you accidentally crush one; the bite is pretty painful due to the toxicity of the hobo spider venom. More likel scorpions, the camel spider is part of an arachnid order known as the solifugae; they live in arid hot climates, including deserts from both the Northern and the Southern hemispheres. There are even some camel spider species with a more special habitat: they live in forests and in grassland. The mating period of trapdoor spiders coincides with the wet season when the males get out searching for a mate. Like with other spider species, the female sometimes eats the male, but the latter often escapes being eaten and manages to mate with several females before dying. The siblings will not appear for a few months after intercourse, and they will remain protected in the female's burrow until they are old enough to disperse on the ground. Their bite is not very serious, there will be mild and bearable pain and itching, and local swelling occasionally. Though some of the wolf spider varieties like the Australian and the South American ones were thought to create necroses, recent studies have proved this to be a false myth. As a general rule, the bite of the wolf spider is harmless and far from causing extensive tissue damage or loss, yet, individual reactions to the bite are the ones that often show otherwise. Hobo spiders definitely do not deserve the label of aggressiveness, and presently, there are trends of opinion among scientists related to the real danger of this species for humans: there are some who actually claim that hobo spiders are no threat to humans. The only time when hobo spiders are really dangerous is when they are laying their eggs, particularly if they see you as a threat to their future siblings. 

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