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Pet Spider Supplies

Care for your Pet Spider with amazing products to build your Pet Spider home.

Contact a health care provider immediately if you've been bitten by a spider and you experience fever, nausea, swelling of the tissues and severe pain. The severity of spider bites is determined according not only to the species to which the aggressor belongs, but to the amount of venom that is injected by the spider. The bite of camel spiders represents no great threat to the general health condition, unless it gets infected. The only variety of venomous camel spiders grows in India, but research is pretty scarce in the field. Apparently, the Indian camel spiders can hunt down lizards by injecting them with venom and paralyzing their movements. Spiders Maybe they give the creeps to some of us, while others treasure them as pets: spiders are spread all over the world both in open nature and in our homes. There are thousands of species, some more venomous than others, to the point that they can kill a man in a matter of minutes. Despite their incredible diversity, all spiders create silk and design complex webs in which they catch their prey, nevertheless, silk is also great for climbing and laying eggs. Every year around August and September the hobo spider males are incredibly active, and it is during this time of the year that most bites are reported. The shape of the web woven by the hobo spider is truly unique, it consists of a very dense silk sheet which is usually curved upwards so that insects that come from above the structure may fall into it. There are even some camel spider species with a more special habitat: they live in forests and in grassland. The unusual fact about these creatures is that they have a very large body and well developed sense organs similar to the insects' antennae. One other peculiarity of the camel spider is that it makes a rattling noise when moving around, which makes it all the more scary at a first glance. Their bite is not very serious, there will be mild and bearable pain and itching, and local swelling occasionally. Though some of the wolf spider varieties like the Australian and the South American ones were thought to create necroses, recent studies have proved this to be a false myth. As a general rule, the bite of the wolf spider is harmless and far from causing extensive tissue damage or loss, yet, individual reactions to the bite are the ones that often show otherwise. 

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