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Spiders can WALK ON WATER!?!? Since when!?

Pet Spider Supplies

Care for your Pet Spider with amazing products to build your Pet Spider home.

Other systemic reactions to spider bites include leg cramps, leg numbness, headaches, pulse changes, exhaustion and more, they are all serious enough to determine one to call the doctor right away. Hence, do not hesitate to do so in case you experience any of the above symptoms! Many of the ointments prescribed for the alleviation of the pain caused by a spider bite are often ineffectual. Though many patients fail to turn to medical intervention for the matter, the use of antihistamines, anti-venom and antibiotics can prove of great help. Yet, we should nevertheless mention the fact that research on none of these treatments has been conclusive enough to be established as a general remedy for the brown recluse spider bites. As their very name suggests they enjoy very retreated corners where they are not bothered by light or intruders: cellars, garages, hallways or any other dark house area. Moreover, brown recluse spiders are very likely to be found behind paintings or under desks and tables. Brown recluse spiders are also very special by the way they have the eyes located on the body. While the males move freely in their habitat, the females usually spend their entire lives in just one place, as they very seldom leave their nests. In terms of toxicity, the black widow spider has one of the most potent venoms in the animal world: it is actually fifteen times stronger than that of the rattlesnake for instance. The life extent of the hobo spider is pretty reduced, but though this species lives for a short period of time, their existence is pretty intense. Every year around August and September the hobo spider males are incredibly active, and it is during this time of the year that most bites are reported. The shape of the web woven by the hobo spider is truly unique, it consists of a very dense silk sheet which is usually curved upwards so that insects that come from above the structure may fall into it. One of the natural enemies of the camel spiders, the scorpions are very likely to lose a fight against this giant arachnid. Due to the extended size, the camel spiders are able to cut down the sting of the scorpion and make it harmless. The male camel spiders are smaller than the females, particularly since the latter will eat a lot before hatching. 

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