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Pet Spider Supplies

Care for your Pet Spider with amazing products to build your Pet Spider home.

The greatest risk of a spider bite is anaphylaxis: the allergic reaction to spider venom that is sometimes encountered with very sensitive people. Hives, wheezing, shortness of breath and weakness are the general symptoms associated with anaphylaxis, therefore call 911 right away if you notice any such symptoms. Unlike most of its brothers, the wolf spider prefers to remain on the ground where it hunts at night; there is no web and no sign that would let you know where you'll find a specimen since the wolf spider desperately tries to stay out of the humans' way. In some parts of the world it is mistaken for the brown recluse spider that is highly venomous, but for the knowledgeable eye the absence of the violin shape of the brown recluse species speaks for itself. The most risky of situtations have been registered in the case of children under seven, who have been bitten by this insect; an equally high risk is present with people that have a very fragile immune system. The severest form that a brown recluse spider bite can get is that of necrosis when the deep tissues are affected and get gangrenous; the venom actually destroys the soft tissue, the area heals very slowly and scarring is inevitable. In North America for instance, poisonous spider identification is a thumb rule for anyone living close to such creatures; there are not too many species of the kind, hence, once you learn how to set them apart you can relax and feel a lot safer. House species are the first to require proper spider identification since they are the first we come into contact with, and, on certain occasions, it is pretty difficulty to tell them apart. One of the natural enemies of the camel spiders, the scorpions are very likely to lose a fight against this giant arachnid. Due to the extended size, the camel spiders are able to cut down the sting of the scorpion and make it harmless. The male camel spiders are smaller than the females, particularly since the latter will eat a lot before hatching. Though the color specific to the species is brown, there are yellow and black varieties too, nevertheless, these color patterns are not a general characteristic of the brown recluse spider. The color variety may be absent, just as the violin marking can be hardly visible. Nevertheless, there is one other element that clearly makes the recognition of the brown recluse spider possible. 

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