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Pet Spider Supplies

Care for your Pet Spider with amazing products to build your Pet Spider home.

Funnel Web Spider The funnel web spider is normally found in the southern hemisphere, particularly Australia, both in coastal and highland areas. Though the generic name of the funnel web spider is used most of the time, it includes no less than thirty-six species that live both on land and in trees. Quality photos or drawings as well as proper descriptions of the species are necessary when trying to distinguish between the various spiders that live so very close to us. Homemade traps and low toxicity plant-extract pesticides are often used against the poisonous inhabitants of our houses that can give us some very nasty bites. It is also good to know that these creatures seldom inject any venom when they bite, which is why there is little health risk and discomfort. Even if hobo spiders live both on the American and the European continents, there is no difference in terms of physical specificity or venom composition. The treatment of the hobo spider bite is common with any other procedure applied to puncture wounds; let the bite bleed so as to eliminate as much venom as possible and then clean it with some topical antiseptic. Normally, a camel spider will not attack a human being, but if one gets accidentally bitten, the condition can become very painful indeed. However, the bite is not as serious as that of a tarantula for instance, since the camel spider has no venom to inject. The only venomous species variety grows in India and it is not such a real threat to humans at all; moreover, the camel spider will not attack a prey that is larger than itself, hence the myths and rumors are definitely far-fetched and unworthy of consideration. The favorite pray of trapdoor spiders includes grasshoppers, moths, crickets, but they don't back off when it comes to having small birds and scorpions for their meals too. The size of trapdoor spiders is not larger than three centimeters for the body, with the females clearly dominating the males in this respect. A special feature of the wolf spider is the position of the eyes on the body; the four pairs are arranged in very unique ways, with four small eyes in a bottom row, two large ones placed in the middle and two middle-sized ones on the top row. The specificity of their vision organs is the one that ensures the survival of the species since the wolf spider depends on the eyesight to hunt. 

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