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Pet Spider Supplies

Care for your Pet Spider with amazing products to build your Pet Spider home.

The siblings will not appear for a few months after intercourse, and they will remain protected in the female's burrow until they are old enough to disperse on the ground. Among other species, trapdoor spiders have a pretty long life span from five to twenty years, and only the females make a nest, whereas males go out in the open hunting and looking for a mate. People who live in geographical areas that represent the habitat of venomous species tend to learn how to recognize the dangerous specimens and thus avoid coming into contact with them. The treatment for special spider bites can only be provided in professional medical institutions since the risk the victim faces in most such cases is necrosis. It is not unusual to misdiagnose various skin infections as brown recluse spider bites, since the symptoms are very often miscellaneous. Statistics show that 80% of the brown recluse spider bites are misdiagnosed. A test has been created to identify the wound and the venom type, but the practice is not part of the medical routine yet. Unlike most other spiders that grow in our homes, the brown recluse spider does not weave a web, but creates an apparently disordered thread shelter. This species likes to live undisturbed in quiet places like the cellar, the garage, sheds and other locations that are neither too humid nor too bright. In geographical areas where poisonous spiders are known to live, people often learn how to differentiate them from the non-toxic species that are frequently encountered around the house. Very seldom would one take a photo or a drawing of a poisonous spider and try to compare it with a specimen identified in open air. Even in North America there are three different types of the black widow spider and their classification is made according to the geographical area where they live: there is the northern black widow, the southern black widow and the western black widow; thus the species is widely spread from the south of Canada to Mexico. 

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