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TARANTULA VS JUMPING SPIDER - 10 Major Care Differences You Should Know!

Pet Spider Supplies

Care for your Pet Spider with amazing products to build your Pet Spider home.

As their very name suggests they enjoy very retreated corners where they are not bothered by light or intruders: cellars, garages, hallways or any other dark house area. Moreover, brown recluse spiders are very likely to be found behind paintings or under desks and tables. Brown recluse spiders are also very special by the way they have the eyes located on the body. All spiders need to inject venom in order to survive, it is in the nature of their species and one of the life mechanisms they have been endowed with; what really differs from one species to another and gives rise to the classification into poisonous and non-poisonous is the amount of venom and its toxicity. The worst consequence of a hobo spider bite is the death of the tissue or necrosis; it is due to such a risk that the general opinion considers the hobo spider highly dangerous. Nevertheless, it is worth mentioning that necrosis is very rare and almost accidental, since it appears in very special cases when the immune system of the victim is already impaired. Lots of efforts have been made so far in the direction of creating an antidote for spider bites in general, but, unfortunately, scientists have not been successful just yet. The only way to avoid the unpleasantness of the situation is prevention: cleaning the house regularly and eliminating spider webs from very hidden corners could prove essential. They have no venom, and they simply kill their prey by cutting it, which, as a matter of fact, makes them less dangerous than many spiders and scorpions. The bite of camel spiders represents no great threat to the general health condition, unless it gets infected. The only variety of venomous camel spiders grows in India, but research is pretty scarce in the field. What is the first aid procedure in case of spider bites? It all depends on the body part where you've been bitten; when the spider bites occur on the arm or the leg, tie a bandage right above the bite so as to prevent the spreading of the venom. Nevertheless, too tight a bandage may affect the correct blood flow in the area. 

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