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He Bought a Pet SPIDER & FISH Off the Dark Web?!

Pet Spider Supplies

Care for your Pet Spider with amazing products to build your Pet Spider home.

The female funnel web spider lives very isolated, it remains in the burrow for almost its entire life; males are the ones that go out to hunt and find mates particularly in summer and autumn months. The number of reported bites is the highest during the mating season when the funnel web spider males enter in houses and garages through small gaps in the doors and window sills. The exaggerations related to camel spiders are explained by their large size, but what most people don't know is that they are not actually spiders, but a different type of arachnids more like the scorpions actually. They have no venom, and they simply kill their prey by cutting it, which, as a matter of fact, makes them less dangerous than many spiders and scorpions. The hunting habits are the same regardless of whether we are talking about the hobo spiders that live indoors or out in the fields, gardens and hedges. The worst consequence of a hobo spider bite is the death of the tissue or necrosis; it is due to such a risk that the general opinion considers the hobo spider highly dangerous. Trapdoor Spiders Coastal and highland Australia is the favorite habitat of trapdoor spiders, a spider species that perfectly suits the description of the multi-legged predator. The favorite pray of trapdoor spiders includes grasshoppers, moths, crickets, but they don't back off when it comes to having small birds and scorpions for their meals too. Lots of videos with the camel spider cutting its prey into pieces and then consuming it, have been uploaded on the Internet. Moreover, it is also interesting to watch a fight between a scorpion and a camel spider, as the latter will most surely win in the majority of cases.As for the potential danger to humans, that does exist. Inevitably, you will get into contact with a spider sooner or later, either indoors or outdoors; the general tendency is to destroy their nests inside of our homes since we associate cob webs with a messy and unclean area. Last but not least, certain spider species are a real threat to humans by the damage their venom can do to us. 

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